Why feel stuck in healing?

All healing is about shifting consciousness.

So why do many people experience limits and blocks, or feel stuck in their healing, even when they've learned so many tools?

There are usually 2 main reasons.

The first is that people don't understand the true meaning of their emotions, so they can't receive the messages needed to shift their core beliefs and energy.

The second is that whatever healing method you use will only be effective to the level of unconditional love you bring to it.

Because our natural energy and healed state is love, whatever condition or limit we consciously or subconsciously place on love will limit the level of healing and transformation we can experience.

This is the case even with advanced forms of somatic emotional/trauma processing.

Essentially, an approach and space of unconditional is required for the subconscious to feel safe to release whatever pain it’s been holding.

If a practitioner holds judgment or fear, then a client will likely not feel able to release that energy in the practitioner’s presence.


Unconditional Love Healing encourages a space free of judgment and fear, and can can be a truly unlimited approach to healing exactly because it addresses these two issues above.

It teaches you to understand the true meaning of your emotions, and therefore release the underlying core beliefs and energy creating your challenges.

And it supports you from a space of total unconditional love, so your consciousness is able to release any blocks and limits it needs to and return to your natural healed state of love.

The approach incorporates the somatic, the energetic, the psychological, the spiritual, and a deep understanding of emotions and trauma into a truly holistic approach.

The result is that you are empowered to make progress and heal what's needed, until you shift into your most optimal state.